Saturday, November 3, 2012

Porn, Pecs and the Fonz...The Performers

The Performers
Longacre Theatre
Nov 3, 2PM performance

Maybe I'm getting less critical in my old age, but I thoroughly enjoyed this campy, throwback - or perhaps homage is a better term - to those adult sitcoms of the seventies like Laugh-In and Three's Company.  Of course, it is the 2010s so there's way more skin and the audience barely blushes at the four-letter obscenities or various references to sex organs, but in the end (no pun intended), it's a fun and lighthearted romantic comedy.  But instead of the usual quirky housewife or floundering thirty-something, the main couple happen to be porn stars.  Why not?  Beats seeing Katherine Heigl in another mediocre attempt at resuscitating her career.

Does this look like serious drama to you?
Better yet, there's something for everyone: Cheyenne Jackson in a loincloth, voluptuous women showing off their cleavage, simulated cunnilingus and the Fonz (aka Henry Winkler) bragging about his huge dong.  What's not to love?

This is not Death of a Salesman, but doesn't pretend to be.  Anyone expecting anything other than a fluffy comedy need look no further than the show's ad.

Sadly, the show closed only after seven performances.  A shame, considering the very mixed crowd (gays, couples and seniors - no doubt enticed (tricked?) into buying tickets thinking they were getting to see "The Fonz" take a crack at Lear or Prospero) seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.  Oh well, I'm glad I had the opportunity to see Mr. Winkler pelvic thrust the audience and say "donkey dick" on stage - well worth the price of admission.

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Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"